March Newsletter
Dear parents,
We hope you all had a lovely Valentine’s day and the children had great fun with all the activities shared. We are looking forward to seeing you all back soon. In February we learned what friendship meant for us, we made Valentine’s hearts, listened to songs and facts about Dinosaurs.
We have a lot of fun and exciting activities for March.
Our themes for March are:
- Spring (spring animals)
- Mother’s Day
- Patricks Day
- Easter
We will talk about the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring, the change in weather and longer days. Spring is the perfect time to plant seeds. We will have our own little green area growing seeds using a plastic cup.
We will also celebrate Mother’s Day, making lovely art for our mommies to let them know how much we love them for all the hard work, love, and patience they have.
We will talk about St. Patrick’s Day celebration, do a mini-parade with the children and we will learn the Irish language and of course all about Irish culture. This month’s colour is green.
Easter theme, – we will do art & craft works with potato stamping, Easter eggs and Easter cards.
The letters for March that we will be learning about will be P-Q-R-S. We will work on recognizing what these letters look and sound like.
Books of the month:
“Jack and the beanstalk”
“Mother’s Day surprise”
“The story of Easter Bunny” By Katherine Tegen
Songs that we will be singing:
“I’m a little Leprechaun”
“Happy Mother’s Day”